Tracy Thursfield is a surrealist oil painter in the lineage of Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo and Ithell Colquhoun.
She is influenced by myth, magic, symbolism and all things contrary. Her style is traditional but with a very definite twist.
She also writes poetry that rhymes. Sometimes the words come first, sometimes the image. Either way she likes to conjure up stories in her paintings.
To find out more about the stories behind her paintings and the links with Surrealism click on the Find Out More buttons below.
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Myths, Legends and Chimeras Series
Into the Mystic Series
Jigsaw Panda Series

Jigsaw Panda Rides Again Series
Jigsaw Panda journeys to the dark side of the moon series
All the hollow men series

Down The Rabbit Hole Series

Encounters down the Rabbit Hole Series
The Flower Series

The Tarot Series

Still Life Series